Product Type: Information Server and Client software
Platform: Apple Macintosh computers
Capacity: Approximately 50 simultaneous network and serial connections per server depending on hardware. Capacity can be increased by
connecting servers together with InfoLink.
Connection Types: Local
Communications Toolbox
Interfaces supported: TTY
VT-100 (ANSI) including color
NovaTerm Graphics
RIPscrip DOS and Windows Graphics
NovaTerm 3.0 Windowing Interface
NovaTerm 3.0 NovaView Interface
Automatic Apple to IBM extended character set conversion.
Complete finder-like interface for server administration and design.
External Applications: Full external application development support for interfaces to other applications, text files, databases, networks, etc. With external applications you can extend the power of NovaLink Professional by programming in C. The possibilities for custom expansion are endless.
Configurability: All text, graphics, sounds, menus, server structure completely configurable.
Server Editor: A full windowing, icon and palette-based server editor.
Size of Configuration: Unlimited number of menus, message forums, file libraries, and all other options.
User Accounts: Unlimited
Access Levels: Access level by four numbers in the range 1-1000 and by membership in a group (thousands of possible combinations).
Electronic Mail: Full electronic mail, including message forwarding, return receipts, file attachments, mailing groups, OCE and QuickMail(tm) gateways.
Message Forums: Full message forum support, including threading and attachment of files to messages.
File Libraries: Full file library support, including auditing, uploads, downloads, searching
Picture preview with NovaTerm 2.0
File Transfer Protocols: XModem, XModem 1K, ZModem batch, Macintosh and PC (or other) formats. Background simultaneous upload/download with NovaTerm 3.0 using RNP (ResNova Protocol)
Scripting language: NovaScript, an English-like, interpretive built-in programming language.
Conferencing: Any number of real-time teleconferences with any number of participants. Also user to user bulletins, Windowing Interface,
Separate windows for electronic mail, conferences, chats, file libraries, server bulletins and many other features.
Remote Server Maintenance Completely supported
InnerNet Mail
InnerNet News Feeds
Sound: Macintosh 'snd ' sound format
Logging: Full user and error recording
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